KOKUYO Sustainability KOKUYO The 5 Materialities - Our five most important issues
Going Further toward the “Forest-Like Management Model”

We have set KPIs for our new set of material issues guided by our vision for 2030. There are two types of goals: challenge goals and commitment goals. Challenge goals are ambitious goals for 2030. Commitment goals are targets for 2024, the endpoint of our medium-term plan.
Material issue:
- Improve wellbeing
- Transition to a management system that creates social value
- Respond to the climate crisis
- Contribute toward a circular economy
- Contribute toward a society that coexists with nature
Material Issues Outcome
Improve wellbeing
Innovation is created, leading to better wellbeing among diverse individuals and communities
Expand business fields through
the Forest-Like
Management Model
Collaborative approach in all businesses contributes positively to the environment and society,
extending empathy outward in society and addressing social issues
Respond to
the climate crisis
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Contribute toward
a circular economy
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Contribute toward
a society that
coexists with nature
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Safeguard the planet as
a place for work and life
- Our collaboration with partners contributes toward carbon neutrality throughout our supply chain
- Our collaboration with partners and customers leads the way toward a zero-waste society by reducing, reusing, and recycling
- We safeguard the planet by balancing business activities with natural capital