Sustainable Management Decision-making Process for Material Issues (FY2020 to FY2021)

Decision-making Process for Material Issues (FY2020 to FY2021)

Flow of the Decision-making Process for Material Issues

ESG: Environmental, Social, Governance

Step 1: Identify ESG issues

First, we identified 34 potential environmental, social, and governance issues by referring to the SDGs and to data from MSCI Inc. and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).

  Perspective Was a survey conducted? Was desk research (secondary research) conducted?
Stakeholders Consumers
Key clients
Investors (MSCI, SASB)
National and local governments (growth strategy)
Our businesses SDG contribution from products, services, and CSR items
Development divisions
Senior management No, but a discussion was held  

SDGs:Sustainable Development Goals
MSCI:Morgan Stanley Capital International
SASB:Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
CSR:Corporate Social Responsibility

Having identified potential issues, we then rated each issue in terms of how much it matters to stakeholders and how much it impacts our business. Issues that had a high score on both metrics were defined as material.

Materiality matrix

Step 3: Submit to management for review

The issues rated as material were then reviewed by the management to determine whether the materiality designation was valid.

Finally, in regard to the material issues, we set goals/targets for 2030.

Material issue 2030 goal
Material issue 1
Pitch ideas for new ways of working
Pitch ideas for ways of working in the new normal, support work-life balance Employees act on their initiative and solve problems through teamwork
Material issue 2
Promoting diversity and inclusion
Build a diverse, innovative workplace that is inclusive of gender, disability, and nationality Workforce is diverse, individual differences are respected, and employees feel empowered
Material issue 3
Respond to the climate crisis
Reduce CO2 emissions through energy efficiency and renewable energy. Use forests to offset emissions Offset CO2 emissions: Contribute to absorption of at least 6,000 tons of CO2 a year
Reduce CO2 emissions: Emissions down by 26% from 2013 level in 2030
Material issue 4
Contribute toward a circular economy
Promote human rights and resource conservation/waste reduction in the entire supply chains 100% of waste (office, construction, inventory) recycled
Procurement guidelines applied throughout corporate group
Material issue 5
Contribute toward a society that coexists with nature
Protect biodiversity and reduce use of hazardous chemicals to minimize environmental impacts Promotion of the use of legal timber
Forests: Forests thinned at 150 hectares a year
Reedbeds: Reeds trimmed at 1.5 hectares a year

As of 2020