Social Respect for Human Rights

We have a code, policy, and guidelines to ensure that our stakeholders’ human rights are always respected in the course of our business activities.

KOKUYO Group Code of Conduct

The KOKUYO Group is subject to various laws and regulations when engaging in business activities. Those laws and regulations govern areas of business including product quality, fair trade and other transactions, the environment, labor, health and safety, accounting standards, taxation business, bribery and information management. We have established the KOKUYO Group Code of Conduct which each employee must follow to engage in corporate activities in accordance with social ethics while complying with those laws and regulations.
We use this KOKUYO Group Code of Conduct globally as the basis of our daily activities.

KOKUYO Group’s value system

Key actions

Supply chain action

Rapid economic globalization has given rise to colossal multinationals. Many are extending their supply chains into developing economies in an effort to drive down costs. This trend has exacerbated socioenvironmental issues. Examples include human rights issues such as forced labor and child labor, widening inequality, and environmental degradation. Along with our supply-chain partners, we are determined to fulfill our corporate social responsibility by creating positive socioeconomic impacts.

Supply chain management

Personal information protection

We have established the Personal Information Protection Policy.

Personal Information Protection Policy

Rectification, redress

Whistleblowing hotline

We have a group-wide hotline (the KOKUYO Group Hotline). Employees can use the hotline to raise concerns about compliance or business ethics when they feel uncomfortable raising such concerns through the usual channels, or if they doubt that the usual channels would resolve the issue satisfactorily. The hotline is global and accessible to all employees of the global KOKUYO Group, whether they work in Japan or an overseas location. The KOKUYO Group considers the number of whistleblowing reports we receive to be one indicator of the effectiveness of the whistleblowing hotline. We believe a certain number of whistleblowing reports to be appropriate. The number of whistleblowing reports we have received through the hotline has remained constant, including those from overseas, with virtually no increase or decrease over the past few years. Approximately half of the whistleblowing reports are related to management such as harassment and assessments.

Whistleblowing hotline: the KOKUYO Group Hotline