Governance KOKUYO Group Hotline (For Supply Chain Partners)
The KOKUYO Group has established and is operating a whistleblowing hotline which can be used by our supply chain partners. The purpose of the hotline is to build healthy relationships with our supply chain partners and to achieve mutual sustainable growth.
We ask you to report to us any legal violations or wrongdoing by organizations or individuals in the KOKUYO Group you notice. In this way, we are looking to detect problems early, correct them early and then prevent their recurrence.
Applicable Users
Officers or employees (including contract employees, part-time employees and temporary employees) of Japanese supply chain partners which have entered into a contract with a KOKUYO Group company in Japan
Applicable Report Contents
Legal violations, wrongdoing, violations of the KOKUYO Group Code of Conduct and acts which may be considered as such by organizations or individuals in the KOKUYO Group
We do not accept reports on matters internal to supply chain partners that are not related to the KOKUYO Group.
We accept anonymous reports. However, please tell us the name of the organization or individual causing the problem.
How to Make a Report and Report Flow
Please send your report to the e-mail address below.
We have used “(at)” in place of “@” in the e-mail address to prevent spam. Please replace the “(at)” with “@” to when sending your e-mail.
We entrust the reception of reports to Security Protection Network Co., Ltd. Information such as your name and the supply chain partner’s name are not shared with the KOKUYO Group without your consent. Investigations into the contents of your report and consideration of our response take place within the KOKUYO Group. In addition, upon confirming your wishes, we may respond in cooperation with our supply chain partners.

When a Report Is Received
- We will not treat whistleblowers or supply chain partners disadvantageously due to making a report.
- Please make your report upon disclosing your name and supply chain partner’s name in principle so we can conduct a detailed investigation and provide feedback. Even in such cases, information such as your name and supply chain partner’s name will not be shared with the KOKUYO Group without your consent. Please understand in advance that we may not be able to fully investigate or take appropriate measures if you make your report anonymously.
- The contents of the reports will not be shared with the KOKUYO Group without your approval. If you do not wish to disclose information such as your name and supply chain partner name, the information will be shared in a form which does not identify you unless you indicate otherwise to the hotline. Moreover, those involved in the KOKUYO Group Hotline are bound by the duty of confidentiality.
- We will not accept reports which slander or libel individuals, false reports and reports based on improper purposes under any circumstances.
- The KOKUYO Group will conduct an investigation if we determine one is necessary for the contents of your report. If you have any materials or data related to the contents of your report, please provide them to us. (We will not be able to conduct the necessary investigation if the content of your report is unclear.) We may conduct the investigation in cooperation with our supply chain partners.
- In principle, we will not conduct an investigation against your wishes. However, if the contents of your report constitute a serious violation of laws or ordinances, or if it is deemed important by the KOKUYO Group, we may conduct an investigation without obtaining your consent.
- The feedback we will provide in response to your report is intended only you. Please do not use part or all of the contents elsewhere or reuse it.