Environmental Information disclosure and communication

Basic policy

We proactively share environmental information with customers and other external stakeholders to encourage engagement in environmental conservation.

Collaborating and sharing environmental information with external organizations

We share environmental information with external stakeholders and collaborate with external organizations in addressing key environmental issues in order to contribute toward a sustainable world. We also run a schools outreach program that prompts schoolkids to take a personal interest in environmental issues.

Participating organizations and projects

All Japan Stationery Association

In 2019, the All Japan Stationery Association launched an SDGs research committee for the purpose of guiding efforts in the stationery industry to balance environmental and social governance with economic aspects. The committee consists of 17 companies, and Kokuyo has chaired the committee ever since it began. In 2021, the committee established a basic policy on SDG action. In 2022, it established the SDG Committee. The committee then established a number of working groups. There are currently four working groups: one on CO2 reduction, one on calculating the carbon footprint of products (CFP), one on reducing plastics, and one on disclosing sustainability information. In 2013, the committee’s main actions included drawing up, and briefing association members about, a manual for the simplified calculation of scope 1 and 2 emissions, a simplified method for calculating product-specific emissions, and guidelines for designing stationery and office supplies that use plastic.

SDG Committee

SDG Committee

List of key associations and projects
  • ■ Osaka-fu Kogyo Kyokai [Osaka Industrial Association]: Chair of environmental action committee
  • ■ Kansai Economic Federation: Member of the environment and energy committee’s energy and environment subcommittee
  • ■ Green Purchasing Network: Trustee
  • ■ Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance
  • ■ All Japan Stationery Association: Chair of SDG action committee
  • ■ Japan Office and Institutional Furniture Association: Chair of SDG committee
  • ■ Japan Chemical Industry Association: Member of chemical management committee

Tsunage Loopa, a schools outreach program

Tsunage Loopa is an environmental education program in which schoolkids return their used notebooks. The used notebooks are then recycled into materials used in new products. By taking part in the recycling process, the children learn about the relationship between a circular economy and protecting the environment. In 2023, Kokuyo Group employees visited five schools (with a total of about 400 students) to deliver Tsunage Loopa classes there. The students who attended these classes have the role of spreading the message to their peers, creating momentum for a shift to a circular economy.

A Tsunage Loopa class at Koyama Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture