Reporting Period

January 1 to December 31 of the applicable year (the results are current as of December 31)

Reflecting Customer Opitions

Employee* Composition: By Position

Employees here includes outside directors and members of the Audit & Supervisory Board

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of Executives and Directors Inside Non-consolidated 4 3 3 2 2
Outside Non-consolidated 3 4 4 4 4
Total Non-consolidated 7 7 7 6 6
Number of Members of the Audit & Supervisory Board Inside Non-consolidated 0 1 1 1 1
Outside Non-consolidated 3 2 2 2 2
Total Non-consolidated 3 3 3 3 3
Number of employees Male Non-consolidated 1,631 1,634 1,601 1,452 1,480
Female Non-consolidated 583 607 606 610 662
Total Non-consolidated 2,214 2,241 2,207 2,062 2,142
  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees (KOKUYO Group) Male Consolidated 4,946 4,899 4,915 4,645 4,624
Female Consolidated 2,015 1,983 1,910 2,219 2,307
Total Consolidated 6,961 6,882 6,825 6,864 6,931

Employee Composition: By Contract type and by Gender

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total number of employees※1 Consolidated 6,961 6,882 6,825 6,864 6,931
Non-regular employees※1 Consolidated 1,832 2,333 2,711 4,097 3,785
Percentage of non-regular employees※1 Consolidated 20.83 25.31 28.43 37.38 35.32
Regular employees Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 2,494 2,511 2,511 2,480 2,473
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 829 888 928 960 1,029
Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 3,323 3,399 3,439 3,440 3,502
Senior employees Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 253 268 256 263 239
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 10 8 11 14 19
Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 263 276 267 277 258
Contracted employees Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 135 105 83 60 58
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 95 102 101 91 88
Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 230 207 184 151 146
Part-time/casual employees Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 111 118 112 133 123
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 163 180 188 195 188
Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 274 298 300 328 311
Temporary employees Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 186 142 128 183 203
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 347 167 146 199 261
Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 533 309 274 382 464

The five main group companies are KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Logistics Co., Ltd., and KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd.

In 2022, we changed the definitions of regular and non-regular employees. “Regular employees” now includes only managing officers and non-managerial regular employees, whereas before it also included senior employees. “Non-regular employees” now includes senior employees alongside contracted employees, and part-time or casual employees, whereas before senior employees were not included.

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Regular employees Within Japan Consolidated 4,090 4,145 4,183 4,218 4,294
Overseas Consolidated 2,475 2,347 2,308 2,646 2,637
Total Consolidated 6,565 6,492 6,491 6,864 6,931
Senior employees Within Japan Consolidated 300 322 308 328 315
Overseas Consolidated 4 4 2 18 19
Total Consolidated 304 326 310 346 334
Contracted employees Within Japan Consolidated 594 564 598 631 654
Overseas Consolidated 45 36 70 533 512
Total Consolidated 639 600 668 1,164 1,166
Part-time/casual employees Within Japan Consolidated 584 553 571 575 542
Overseas Consolidated 37 4 2 21 4
Total Consolidated 621 557 573 596 546
Temporary employees Within Japan Consolidated 589 379 331 434 511
Overseas Consolidated 1,401 974 1,162 1,557 1,228
Total Consolidated 1,990 1,353 1,493 1,991 1,739

Employee Composition: By Age, Average Ages of Male and Female Employees, Average Tenure

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees by age group Under 30 Five main group companies of KOKUYO 423 470 469 465 506
30s Five main group companies of KOKUYO 579 591 595 619 665
40s Five main group companies of KOKUYO 1,233 1,150 1,076 965 894
50s Five main group companies of KOKUYO 1,086 1,188 1,299 1,379 1,439
60s or older Five main group companies of KOKUYO 265 276 267 0 1
Average tenure (years) Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 46.57 46.8 47.22 45.8 45.77
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 39.33 39.32 39.79 40.05 39.97
Average Five main group companies of KOKUYO 44.87 44.98 45.34 44.21 44.07
Average length of continuous service (years) Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 20.7 20.9 21.31 19.94 19.78
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 14.06 13.83 14.05 14.16 13.7
Average Five main group companies of KOKUYO 19.14 19.18 19.47 18.34 18

The five main group companies are KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Logistics Co., Ltd., and KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd.

Employee Composition: By Nationality

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees Non-Japanese employees in the KOKUYO Group Five main group companies of KOKUYO 12 11 11 12 28
Non-Japanese employees at KOKUYO Non-consolidated 12 11 9 10 25

The five main group companies are KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Logistics Co., Ltd., and KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd.

Employees Composition: Employees with Disabilities

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees with disabilities Group companies dedicated to employing people with disabilities 128 129 134 134 137.5
Percentage of employees with disabilities Group companies dedicated to employing people with disabilities 2.31 2.3 2.37 2.33 2.38

Breakdown of New Hires

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of fresh graduate hires Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 33 40 28 35 42
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 37 40 18 18 29
Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 70 80 46 53 71
Number of mid-career hires Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 32 28 23 47 81
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 21 23 24 26 59
Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 53 51 47 73 140
Percentage of mid-career hires (%) KOKUYO 25 22 29 43
Turnover rate Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 1.60 1.96 1.39 1.91 2.59
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 2.95 1.81 1.56 2.65 1.87
Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 1.92 1.93 1.44 2.11 2.4

The five main group companies are KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Logistics Co., Ltd., and KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd.

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of managerial appointments Executives and higher Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 20 22 20 18 19
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 0 1 2 2 2
Department heads Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 63 65 77 95 198
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 4 4 2 2 5
Section chiefs Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 750 732 768 808 668
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 54 55 69 78 85
Sub-section chiefs Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 1,118 1,066 1,034 1,009 1,016
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 273 288 314 337 361
  Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 2,283 2,234 2,286 2,349 2,354

The five main group companies are KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Logistics Co., Ltd., and KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd.

Managerial Appointments: Percentage of Managerial Posts Occupied by Women

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Percentage of middle management posts (department heads, section chiefs) occupied by women Five main group companies of KOKUYO 6.66 6.89 7.75 8.14 9.41
managerial posts (sub-section chief or higher) occupied by women Executives and higher Five main group companies of KOKUYO 4.76 8.33 9.09 10 9.52
Department heads Five main group companies of KOKUYO 5.97 5.80 2.53 2.06 2.46
Section chiefs Five main group companies of KOKUYO 6.72 6.99 8.24 8.8 11.29
Sub-section chiefs Five main group companies of KOKUYO 19.63 21.27 23.29 25.04 26.22
  Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 14.54 15.62 16.93 17.84 19.24

The five main group companies are KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Logistics Co., Ltd., and KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd.

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Managerial appointments: Non-Japanese managers Executives and higher Five main group companies of KOKUYO 0 0 0 0 0
Department heads Five main group companies of KOKUYO 0 0 0 0 0
Section chiefs Five main group companies of KOKUYO 3 3 3 4 4
Sub-section chiefs Five main group companies of KOKUYO 7 6 5 5 5
  Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 10 9 8 9 9

The five main group companies are KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Logistics Co., Ltd., and KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd.

Managerial Appointments: Percentage of Managerial Posts Occupied by Non-Japanese Staff

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Percentage of managerial posts occupied by non-Japanese employees Executives and higher Five main group companies of KOKUYO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Department heads Five main group companies of KOKUYO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Section chiefs Five main group companies of KOKUYO 0.37 0.38 0.36 0.45 0.45
Sub-section chiefs Five main group companies of KOKUYO 0.50 0.44 0.37 0.37 0.37
  Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 0.44 0.40 0.35 0.38 0.38

The five main group companies are KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Logistics Co., Ltd., and KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd.

Working Hours, Paid Leave Takeup Rate

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total working hours per year Five main group companies of KOKUYO 2060.6 2056.7 2092.5 2087.7 2023.2
Non-prescribed working hours per year Five main group companies of KOKUYO 256.3 226.9 260.3 269.1 237.2
Long-time worker rate (over 360 hours of total annual overtime) Five main group companies of KOKUYO 23.5 17.4 24.0 25.2 19.0
Paid leave uptake rate (%) Five main group companies of KOKUYO 61.40 48.9 48.4 54.3 61.7
Yearly education and training costs per employee (yen) Five main group companies of KOKUYO 37,408 35,562 39,107 42,955 54,554

The five main group companies are KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Logistics Co., Ltd., and KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd.

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Employees on childcare leave Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 6 12 26 35 44
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 60 58 72 70 66
Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 66 70 98 105 110

The five main group companies are KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Logistics Co., Ltd., and KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd.

Employees on Long-Term-Care Leave

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Employees taking time off for long-term care Male Five main group companies of KOKUYO 3 1 0 0 0
Female Five main group companies of KOKUYO 1 1 1 0 1
Total Five main group companies of KOKUYO 4 2 1 0 1

The five main group companies are KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Logistics Co., Ltd., and KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd.

  Subject 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Regular health checkup attendance rate (%) 99.6 98.6 99.4 99.6 99.5
Voluntary checkup attendance number (breast cancer, colorectal cancer checkups) 1,222 1,551 3,482 4,871 5,226
Regular health checkup finding rate (%) 27.5 19.8 29.5 29.0 19.6
Percentage of employees receiving full medical checkup (%) 87.3 70.5 75.8 78.0
Lifestyle-related disease occurrence/specific health checkup attendance rate (%) 98 98 98 98 98
Lifestyle-related disease occurrence/specific health guidance rate (proactive support) (%) 34 39 47 42 46
Lifestyle-related disease occurrence/lifestyle-related disease medical costs (including health insurance dependents) (million yen) 139 161 144 149 142
Response rate for stress check survey (%) Employees of companies that conduct a stress check survey 94.8 96.4 95.9 94.1 95.6
Stretch check score (deviation value)※4 Employees of companies that conduct a stress check survey 54 55 54 49 55
Percentage of employees with poor mental health(with severe stress) (%)※4 Employees of companies that conduct a stress check survey 5.5 4.8 5.6 9.3 11.9
Number of employees who took leave due to poor mental health ※5 10 16 10 16 25
Number of employees who took leave due to other illnesses ※5 11 9 2 5 6
Number of employees who retired due to poor mental health ※5 3 10 1 5 3
Number of employees who left due to other health issues ※5 6 6 8 2 7
Absenteeism: Annual working days per employee lost due to injury or disease※1 KOKUYO (including what was once Ket), Kaunet 2.27 1.38 1.09 1.57
Presenteeism: Score for productivity lost because of illness, injury, or other conditions in employees attending work※2 KOKUYO (including what was once Ket), Kaunet 21 21.5
Employee engagement score (deviation value)※3 Employees of companies that conduct a stress check survey 49 49 50 51 51
Percentage of participants in health activity(walking campaign) (%) KOKUYO (including what was once Ket), Kaunet 23.8 25.3 33 30.5
Percentage of participants in health activity(walking campaign) satisfied by activity (%) KOKUYO (including what was once Ket), Kaunet 90
Smoking rate (%) KOKUYO (including what was once Ket), Kaunet 17.2 17.4

Absenteeism is calculated as follows: Annual working days lost due to injury or disease divided by total working days for all employees.

The presenteeism score represents the difference between maximum productivity (scaled at 100) and employees’ actual productivity rate (according to survey findings).

The employee engagement score describes the extent to which employees identify with and actively commit themselves to the organization’s strategy and goals.

The vendor estimation method was changed in 2023.

KOKUYO (including what was once Ket), Kaunet, KOKUYO Logitem, KOKUYO Supplies Logitem, KOKUYO Marketing.

Coverage: KOKUYO Co., Ltd. Mie Factory and Shibayama Factory, KOKUYO Product Shiga Co., Ltd., KOKUYO MVP Co., Ltd., IWAMI Paper Industry Co., Ltd.

    2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of work-related accidents Consolidated factories 2 5 1 6 6
Mie Factory 1 0 0 0 2
Shibayama Factory 0 0 0 1 3
KOKUYO Product Shiga 0 0 0 0 0
KOKUYO MVP 1 3 1 5 0
IWAMI Paper Industry 0 1 0 0 1
Work-related accident frequency rate(%)※1 Consolidated factories 0.85 2.33 0.44 2.61 2.69
Mie Factory 2.82 0 0 0 3.04
Shibayama Factory 0 0.02 0 1.43 4.53
KOKUYO Product Shiga 0 0 0 0 0
KOKUYO MVP 2.16 6.79 2.14 11.19 0
IWAMI Paper Industry 0 6.67 0 0 7.78
Severity rate for work-related accidents(%)※2 ※3 Consolidated factories 0.05 0.02 0 0 0.07
Mie Factory 0.15 0 0 0 0.04
Shibayama Factory 0 1.83 0 0 0.10
KOKUYO Product Shiga 0 0 0 0 0
KOKUYO MVP 0 0.09 0.01 0.00 0
IWAMI Paper Industry 0 0.03 0 0 0.49
Workdays lost due to work-related accidents Consolidated factories 132 63.5 8 32 192
Mie Factory 130 0 0 0 34
Shibayama Factory 0 12 0 26 82
KOKUYO Product Shiga 0 0 0 0 0
KOKUYO MVP 2 46.5 8 6 0
IWAMI Paper Industry 0 5 0 0 77

Number of work-related accidents includes only accidents that resulted in at least one full workday of leave. It excludes accidents that employees suffered when commuting.

Work-related accident rate is calculated as follows: Number of employees who experienced a work-related accident × 1,000,000 / Total person-hours

Work-related accident severity rate is calculated as follows: Number of lost workdays / Total person-hours × 1,000

The work-related accident rate is shown with the third decimal place rounded off
A score of “0” indicates that absolutely no fatal work-related accidents occurred.
On the other hand, a score of “0.00” would indicate a fatality rate higher than 0 but less than 0.005.