■Reporting Period

Fiscal 2023 (January 1 to December 31, 2023)

■Guidelines Used for Reference

Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Report Guidelines (2012 Edition)
Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Accounting Guidelines (2005 Edition)
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Reporting Guidelines

■Organizational Units Covered

From 2012, the scope of coverage was extended to all consolidated subsidiaries.

Consolidated Subsidiaries Non-consolidated Subsidiaries and Affiliates
Japan KOKUYO Co., Ltd. KOKUYO K Heart Co., Ltd., Heartland Co., Ltd., IWAMI Paper Industry Co., Ltd., Origin Co., Ltd., ESTIC CORPORATION
Kaunet Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Marketing Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Supply Distribution Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Logitem Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Product Shiga Co., Ltd., KOKUYO MVP Co., Ltd., LmD International Co., Ltd., Actus Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Finance Co., Ltd, KOKUYO & Partners Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Hokkaido Sales Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Tohoku Sales Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Kitakanto Sales Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Tokai Sales Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Hokuriku-Niigata Sales Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Sanyo-Shikoku Sales Co., Ltd., KISPA Inc., NIKKAN Co., Ltd.
Overseas KOKUYO Vietnam Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., KOKUYO (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Commerce (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Furniture (China) Co., Ltd., KOKUYO Design Consultants (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., KOKUYO International Asia Co., Ltd., KOKUYO International (Malaysia) Sdn Hbd, KOKUYO Vietnam TRADING Co., Ltd., Kokuyo Camlin Limited, Kokuyo Hong Kong Ltd., Global Known Ltd., Lamex China Investment Ltd., Lamex Trading Company Ltd., Dongguan Lamex Furniture Ltd., Lamex (S) Sales Pte. Ltd. KOKUYO-IK (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Scope of Report: KOKUYO Co., Ltd., 34 consolidated subsidiaries, six non-consolidated subsidiaries and affiliates (192 locations)

Environmental Policy Goals and Results for 2023 Goal met?
Goal Result
Prevention of global warming
*Domestic consolidated subsidiaries, Kokuyo K Heart, Heartland
Reduction of CO2 emissions
Total year-on-year change in volume: -7.2%
(when production is excluded: -13.0%)
(reduction efforts reduced emissions by -15.1%)
Reduction of unit energy consumption Year-on-year
reduction: -1.0%
Per unit of sales: -13.6% Yes
Resource Conservation and Recycling Improve recycling rate in relation to total waste volume
Business offices: 95.9% and over
Construction sites: 82.3% and over
Business offices: 93.8% No
Construction sites: 81.8% No
Procurement, development, and provision of eco-friendly products Maintain eco x zero Maintained Yes
Information disclosure and communication Publication of CSR report 2023 Publication of CSR report 2023 Yes
Environmental management ISO 14001: Regular inspection in 2015 Regular inspection results
Strong point: 0 cases
Good points: 17 cases
Matters pointed out for improvement: 0 cases
Opportunities for improvement: 16 cases

Environmental Friendliness Efficiency Indicators

Kokuyo Group designates unique environmental friendliness efficiency indicators as indices to comprehensively evaluate financial performance and impact on the global environment.
These indicators show the extent to which products and services are being offered to society with respect to specific environmental load and correspond to the following four items.

  • The chemical substances have been calculated according to the volume of chemical substances designated as class 1 under the PRTR Law handled by sites (in Japan) which are required to report data under the PRTR Law.
  • The actual values from April to December 2023 have been given for the volume of chemical substances handled in 2023 in response to the revision to the PRTR Law.
  • CO2 (greenhouse gas emissions) from 2019 have been calculated according to the adjusted emission factor for each power company.
The Japan Environmental Policy Priorities Index (JEPIX) is a method of quantifying the individual amount of different types of environmental loads, such as greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants, as single indicators called Environmental Impact Points (EIP). The EIP is calculated by multiplying the environmental load of each environmentally harmful chemical by the integrated coefficient, which is calculated from the ratio between Japan’s environmental policy target and the actual amount of emissions (environmental friendliness factor), and then obtaining the sum total of them all.


(Millions [EIP]) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Landfill waste 50.2 39.8 33.8 48.3 82.0
Photochemical oxidants 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Greenhouse gas 40.7 32.3 35.7 38.2 36.3
Air pollutants 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Other 0.9 0.5 1.1 0.8 0.7

Emissions of soot and smoke (SOx and NOx)
designated by the Air Pollution Control Act

2021 2022 2023
SOx - - -
NOx 0.30 0.13 0.11

(Unit tons)

Air pollutants and photochemical oxidants for 2023 have been calculated from the actual values for chemical substances from April to December 2023 in response to the revision to the PRTR Law.

Material Issue: Respond to the Climate Crisis

Attainment of the goal for CO2 emissions:

The domestic consolidated subsidiaries of Kokuyo K Heart and Heartland have been calculated within the applicable scope.

  • Electricity-based emission factors are calculated using the basic emission factors of the relevant electrical power companies for each given year
  • Results for 2020 and later are disclosed based on a market-based approach.
CO2 emissions (t)
2013 (Base year) 30,683
2021 24,103
2022 24,101
2023 18,741
2024 (Target year) 15,341

(Unit tons)

Scope 1 and 2 Emissions

Kokuyo, 20 consolidated subsidiaries (domestic and overseas), 10 affiliates (domestic and overseas)

CO2 emission transitions
*KOKUYO Co., Ltd., 20 consolidated subsidiaries, 10 affiliates

Scope of calculation Coefficient change Total
2019 32,933 8,331 41,264
2020 27,892 4,851 32,743
2021 30,277 5,973 36,250
2022 32,056 6,736 38,792
2023 32,070 4,759 36,829

(Unit tons)

  • Market-based (Non-Fossil Fuel Certificate applied)
  • In line with the GHG Protocol’s Scope 2 Guidance, we take the market-based approach (which reflects supplier-specific emissions factors associated with our energy purchases).
  • Differences due to changes in emission factors are calculated using the average emission factors of all power sources in 2000 (0.378kg-CO2/kwh).

CO2 emission by source

CO2 emissions Composition ratio
Plants 25,437 69.1%
Offices 6,714 18.2%
Distribution (storage, deliveries) 4,678 12.7%
Total 36,829 100%

(Unit tons)

Market-based (Non-Fossil Fuel Certificate applied)

CO2 emission by source

CO2 emissions Composition ratio
Electricity 27,223 73.9%
City gas 5,103 13.9%
Gasoline 1,409 3.8%
LPG 462 1.3%
Other 2,631 7.1%
Total 36,828 100%

(Unit tons)

Market-based (Non-Fossil Fuels Certificate applied)

CO2 emission by country

CO2 emissions Composition ratio
Japan 27,581 67.3%
India 4,525 11.0%
China (including Hong Kong) 4,248 10.4%
Thailand 1,984 4.8%
Vietnam 1,518 3.7%
Malaysia 1,141 2.8%
Singapore 10 0.0%
Total 41,007 100.0%

(Unit tons)


Category Applicable/ Not applicable Reason for Non-applicability Scope 3 Emissions As Percentage of Total As Percentage of Total Emissions
Category 1 Purchased products / services Applicable - 1,011,674 78.7% 76.5%
Category 2 Capital goods Applicable - 28,701 2.2% 2.2%
Category 3 Fuel not included in Scope 1 or 2 and energy-related activities Applicable - 6,340 0.5% 0.5%
Category 4 Shipping and delivery (upstream) Applicable - 41,293 3.2% 3.1%
Category 5 Waste materials generated by businesses Applicable - 4,208 0.3% 0.3%
Category 6 Business trips Applicable - 1,242 0.1% 0.1%
Category 7 Commuting by workers Applicable - 3,272 0.3% 0.2%
Category 8 Leased assets (upstream) Not applicable Included in Scope 1 / 2 - 0.0% 0.0%
Category 9 Shipping and delivery (downstream) Applicable - 5 0.0% 0.0%
Category 10 Processing of sold products Not applicable Kokuyo is a manufacturer of completed products and does not deal with intermediate products - 0.0% 0.0%
Category 11 Use of sold products Applicable - 79,250 6.2% 6.0%
Category 12 Discarding of sold products Applicable - 109,111 8.5% 8.2%
Category 13 Leased assets (downstream) Applicable - 284 0.0% 0.0%
Category 14 Franchises Applicable - 382 0.0% 0.0%
Category 15 Investments Not applicable No investments - 0.0% 0.0%
Total - - - 1,285,762 - -

Greenhouse gases emitted by the supply chain
(by scope) (Tons of CO2)

2023 Emissions by scope Ratio
Scope 1 7,649 0.6%
Scope 2 29,221 2.2%
Scope 3 1,285,763 97.2%
Total 1,322,633 -

(Unit Tons of CO2)

Greenhouse gases emitted by the supply chain
(for Scope 3)

Resource Saving and Recycling

Waste Materials: Recycling and Final Disposal Amounts

Waste generated Recycling amount Recycling ratio
2019 23,446 22,591 96.4%
2020 19,785 19,107 96.6%
2021 21,933 21,357 97.4%
2022 20,124 19,300 95.9%
2023 22,472 21,074 93.8%

(Unit tons)

Waste Materials by Activity

Waste generated Composition ratio
Plants 11,913 53.0%
Distribution 9,493 42.2%
Offices 1,066 4.7%
Total 22,472 99.9%

(Unit tons)

Waste material types (Recycling rate in brackets)

Waste generated Recycling amount Recycling ratio
Paper 11,943 11,876 99.4%
Metals 4,058 4,021 99.1%
Plastic 3,440 3,113 90.5%
Other 3,030 2,063 68.2%
Total 22,471 21,073 93.8%

(Unit tons)

Plastic waste generation (in Japan)

Year Final disposal amount Business offices Construction sites Total
2019 289 3,413 406 4,108
2020 248 2,759 223 3,229
2021 254 3,146 369 3,769
2022 391 2,615 529 3,535
2023 343 2,456 693 3,492

(Unit tons)

Hazardous Waste Generation

2021 2022 2023
Waste generated 70 56 80

(Unit tons)

  • Kokuyo Group defines and manages specially controlled industrial waste (as defined in Act on Waste Management and Public Cleansin) as hazardous waste.
  • Kokuyo Group covers Kokuyo Co., Ltd. and 20 consolidated subsidiaries and 10 affiliates.

Water Resources

Water used, water recycled, water discharged

Water used Water recycled Water discharged
2019 276 5 192
2020 235 5 151
2021 240 5 153
2022 271 5 177
2023 298 5 213

(Unit 1,000㎥)

  • Water recycled: Water recycled in factories
  • Water discharged: Wastewater discharged into public water bodies or sewers
  • The volume of water used and discharged increased in 2022 because the Indian subsidiary was included in that year.

Water usage by location

Water usage Composition ratio
Plants 244 81.8%
Distribution 28 9.3%
Offices 26 8.8%
Total 298 99.9%

(Unit 1,000㎥)

Water usage by country

Water usage Water usage composition ratio
Japan 161,716 54.3%
India 62,241 20.9%
China 35,013 11.8%
Thailand 18,829 6.3%
Malaysia 11,745 3.9%
Vietnam 7,976 2.7%
Singapore 97 0.0%
Total 297,617 100.0%

Hazardous Waste Generation

2021 2022 2023
Public water areas 42 40 40
Grandwater 111 138 173
Total 153 178 213

(Unit 1,000㎥)

  • We made the calculations for the specific class 1 designated chemical substances and the class 1 designated chemical substances under the PRTR Law which was revised in 2021 (came into effect on April 1, 2023). Therefore, the calculation period for the actual values for 2023 of the applicable substances is from April 1 to December 31, 2023.
  • The volume of PRTR Law Class I Designated Chemical Substances that were used, handled, released, transferred, disposed, recycled, and consumed by the business establishments (in Japan) subject to notification under the PRTR Law.
  • For the calculation methods, see the Ministry of the Environment/Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s PRTR Release Estimation Methods Manual, version 5.0 (March 2023).
  • “Volume treated” refers to those PRTR designated substances that were treated on site by incineration, neutralization, breaking down, reactive process, etc.
  • “Volume consumed” refers to the volume of substances that were removed from the site by the removal of the products containing or accompanying them or that were modified for disposal by means of chemical reaction with other substances.

Input items

Indicator Unit Calculation method
Volume of energy used GJ Power, gas (city gas, LPG, natural gas), oil (gasoline, light oil, kerosene, fuel oil A), heat (hot water, cold water) The power unit calorific values are the daytime and nighttime power values stated in the Enforcement Regulations of the Act on the Rational Use of Energy (effective from April 1, 2008).
The unit calorific values of gas, oil, and heat are those values presented in the Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculation and Reporting Manual, Ver. 4.9 (Apr 2023, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry).
Water km3 Tap water, water for industrial use
Substance Input t The volume of raw materials used to manufacture products in the plants of the KOKUYO Group
Overall Sales Volume kt × 10 Data from furniture and stationery products
Container and Packaging Materials t The volume of packaging materials used to package products
Indicator Unit Calculation method
CO2 Emissions from Energy Use t-CO2 CO2 emissions from the use of electricity, gas, oil, and heat (see Global Warming Preventive Measures)
Coefficients based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (adjusted emission coefficients based on the actual values in fiscal 2021 and 2022 for each power company) were used to calculate the CO2 emissions factors for power consumption in Japan.
For power consumption overseas, we use the local emissions factors listed in IEA Emissions Factors 2023.
Values presented in the Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculation and Reporting Manual, Ver. 4.9 (Apr 2023) and Ver. 5.0 (Feb 2024) (Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) were used to calculate CO2 emissions factors for gas, oil, and heat.
The ton/kilo method and the fuel consumption method were both used to calculate the distribution (consigned transportation) CO2 emissions.
Other Greenhouse Gases t-CO2e Emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) related to production activities, (in Japan), but excluding such emissions from energy sources, have been converted to a CO2 basis.
Emission coefficient values were taken from the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculation and Reporting Manual, Ver. 5.0 (Dec 2024).
SOx, NOx t Emissions from smoke- and soot-producing facilities at manufacturing plants (in Japan)
Waste t The volume of discharged waste (emissions) is the total amount of waste and valuable substances discharged from business establishments.
The recycle volume is the total of the volume of discharged waste (emissions) that has been recycled through material or thermal recycling, and the volume of valuable substances.
The final waste volume is the combined total of the recycling residue and the volume of waste directly disposed of in landfills, out of the total volume of discharged waste (solid waste) (see Resource Saving and Recycling).
If industrial waste has been calculated by cubic measurement, conversion factors (reference) for converting cubic measurements of industrial waste into weights as stated in a notice released by the Ministry of the Environment (December 27, 2006; Env. Ind. Waste Issue No. 061227006) were used.
Wastewater km3 Wastewater discharged to areas of water for public use and into the sewage system
COD, BOD kg Of plants in Japan, the volume of effluent discharged to areas of water for public use by plants with a legal obligation to measure water quality

Other items

Indicator Unit Calculation method
Overall Transportation Volume tkm The total of the following outsourced transportation volumes: total domestic transportation in Japan including the transportation of furniture products, store fixtures, stationery products, transportation of catalog sales by Kaunet, and transportation of Actus products; and transportation of products between overseas sites and within Malaysia.
Cyclical Water Use at Plants m3 The volume of water used in a cyclical way (i.e. recycled) on business premises
Cyclical Resource Use on Sitest t The volume of recycled resources, such as packaging materials, on the business premises of Kokuyo Logitem and Kokuyo Supply Distribution.
Collected Used Products t The volume of used products collected from customers by Kokuyo Logitem.
Re-use of Used Products t The volume of re-used products from the used products collected from customers by Kokuyo Logitem.

Environmental Accounting

(Unit: Multiple of 10 thousand yen)

Breakdown of economic effects

Item Content of countermeasures 2021 2022 2023
Global warming prevention Effects of introducing energy-saving facilities ▲1,124 ▲633 ▲324
Effects of solar power generation ▲978 ▲936 ▲976
Effects of improving operations ▲58 ▲34 ▲101
Resource saving and recycling Proceeds from garbage sorting and recycling ▲24,561 ▲26,213 ▲26,050
Waste Reduction ▲2 0 0
Cost reductions achieved through the promotion of recycling 0 0 0
Total ▲26,723 ▲27,816 ▲27,451

Seventy-three sites, or 38% of the total 192 sites have received ISO 14001 certification.

No. Company Name Site Name
40 Kaunet Head Office
41 Tokyo Shinagawa Office
42 Kokuyo Marketing Head Office
43 Tachikawa Office
44 Chiba Office
45 Saitama Office
46 Yokohama Office
47 Nagano Office
48 Matsumoto Office
49 Nagoya Office
50 Shizuoka Office
51 Umeda Office
52 Kyoto Office
53 Kobe Office
54 Wakayama Office
55 Hiroshima Office
56 Yamaguchi Office
57 Matsue Office
58 Fukuoka Office
59 Nagasaki Office
60 Miyazaki Office
61 Kagoshima Office
62 Kumamoto Office
63 Oita Office
64 Okinawa Office
65 Kokuyo (Malaysia) Head Office
66 Kokuyo-IK Thailand Head Office
67 Kokuyo Camlin Patalganga Plant
68 Tarapur Plant
69 Samba Plant
70 Kokuyo Commere (Shanghai) Head Office
71 Beijing Office
72 Shenzhen Office
73 LAMEX Dongguan Plant