LOCATION Land Plot B2-B7, Japan-Haiphong IZ, An Duong Dist., Haiphong City, Vietnam
PRINCIPAL PRODUCTS Notebooks, files for thick covers, tack labels, etc.
SITE AREA 51,544m2
Inputs 2021 2022 2023
Energy (GJ) Volume of energy inputs 29,485 24,795 24,009
Fuel 575 629 708
Electricity 28,910 24,166 23,301
Water resources(m3 City/well water 9,569 8,668 7,976
Outputs 2021 2022 2023
Atmospheric emissions(t) CO2 1,917 1,562 1,512
SOx - - -
NOx - - -
Waste emissions(t) Total waste volume 1,006 784 968
Reuse/heat recovery 806 611 919
Final disposal 200 173 49
Emissions into bodies of water(m3 Volume of effluent 7,655 6,934 6,381
Emissions into public water areas - - -
Emissions into sewage systems 7,655 6,934 6,381
Restricted items emitted into bodies of water Hydrogen ion concentration (PH) 7.0 7.2 7.0
COD(mg/L) 188.5 134.5 54.5
BOD(mg/L) 71.5 65.4 30.2
SS(mg/L) 101.5 74.8 41.1
Reports on Business Sites Overseas(DATA BANK)