
No Investment Advice

The content of this website is intended to provide shareholders and investors with information about the company's strategy, businesses, business plans, and financial health. You should not construe any of this information as a solicitation or recommendation to invest in the company. You must assume sole responsibility for evaluating the merits and risks of any investment decision you may make.

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While KOKUYO makes every effort to manage this website appropriately, it accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to you or a third party in connection with this website, including (but not limited to) issues that are caused by misusing the website or downloading content from the website, or issues caused by malware introduced to the website or unauthorized access to the website.

Forward-Looking Statements

This website contains forward-looking statements, such as earnings forecasts, strategies, and goals. These statements are predicated upon assumptions we considered reasonable in light of information available at the time. They are not guarantees of future performance. Actual performance may diverge significantly from what these statements suggested due to a myriad of uncertain variables. KOKUYO accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this website. Furthermore, KOKUYO is under no obligation to ensure that the forward-looking statements are always up to date.