Value System

Founder’s Philosophy
Enrich the world through our products
We support the growth of our customers through our products and services so as to enrich society.
When born into this world, a child has nothing to call its own.
Our bodies, minds, and spirits grow and are nourished by the love of our parents and families,
the guidance and discipline of our teachers, and the encouragement of society as a whole.
We grow and mature and adopt vocations suitable to ourselves and the education instilled in us.
These vocations must be pursued with the utmost diligence and gain the trust of colleagues, clients, and communities around us. The only way to secure this trust is to act with absolute sincerity in every action and endeavor undertaken.
In this way, our endeavors succeed in and of themselves, and we are happy in our vocations.
“Sincerity not only in words but also in action” – this is the KOKUYO creed.
Long-Term Vision CCC 2030
- Compliance with laws and internal rules and acting with integrity
We not only comply with laws and internal rules, but also act with high ethical standards and integrity. - Respect for human rights and personality
We do not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, language, gender, disability or other status.
We do not engage in conduct that constitutes sexual harassment or power harassment.
We do not tolerate child labor or forced labor. - Preservation of the global environment
We work to eliminate or reduce the environmental burden whilst focusing on global environmental issues, such as global warming and declining forest resources. - Free competition and fair trading
We comply with laws and internal rules related to prohibition of monopolization, fair competition and fair trading and will not engage in conduct that deviates from these standards. - Provision of safe and reliable goods and services
We strive to win customers’ satisfaction continuously through the provision of safe and reliable goods and services. - Proper handling of company assets and protection of intellectual property
We properly manage, maintain, and utilize every tangible and intangible company asset. We respect the intellectual property rights of others. - Proper information management and financial reporting
We honestly and properly create records of the company, as well as manage and report information collected and obtained in the course of business in accordance with proper procedures based on the materiality of such information. We carry out accounting and financial reporting in compliance with laws and internal rules relevant to financial, accounting, and tax affairs. - Prohibition of acts involving conflicts of interest
We will not engage in any act that involves or may involve a conflict between personal and corporate interests. If there is a possible conflict of interest, we will report it to our superiors. - Prohibition of insider trading
We will not engage in insider trading or any act that triggers insider trading laws or regulations in connection with the trading in shares of the KOKUYO Group or any other company. - Proper management of entertainment and gifts
We will not give or receive entertainment and gifts in deviation from normal business practices. We will not illegally give entertainment or gifts to public servants or government officials.
KOKUYO_Anti-bribery_JapaneseKOKUYO_Anti-bribery_English - Handling of unreasonable external demands
We will not comply with any unreasonable external demand.